Microdose Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Through years of research and study, the Helen Foundation is proud to have created a solution to effectively reduce inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis through hydrocortisone microdosing.

With inflammation occurring in the joints and muscles, it can be very difficult to go through daily life without struggling, and even the smallest tasks can be a downright challenge.

Luckily, our team developed a hydrocortisone microdosing technique in which patients are directed to only take hydrocortisone on the bad days of their inflammation and not on the good ones.

When used in small microdoses, hydrocortisone has been shown to be extremely effective at reducing inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis.

Studies have shown that for those battling moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, MICRODOSE THERAPY TM averages 78% symptom improvement, and it has been shown to begin working in just one week with maximum disease control at three weeks. By comparison, Humira averages 41-61% symptom improvement; Enbrel, 8-51%; and Remicade, 23-47%.

Hydrocortisone is naturally produced in the body to reduce inflammation, but this production can dip as we age. When administered properly, an average hydrocortisone microdose offers less hydrocortisone than what the body ordinarily makes, meaning there should be zero side effects. This method is so effective, in fact, that medical doctors use it on themselves to reduce inflammation in their own bodies.

When you’re interested in microdose therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, and would like to learn more, our team, led by Professor Virgil Stenberg, is standing by to teach you proper microdosing techniques.

We also have a telephone hotline for any questions you have, will measure your rheumatoid arthritis’ severity daily, offer prescriptions from doctors by telemedicine and provide an easy-to-understand Patient Education Manual. Give us a call today at 812-TO-HELEN (812-864-3536) to get started!

We also ask that you speak with your primary doctor, so they can participate in treatment.