Microdose Therapy for Treatable Diseases

The Helen Foundation was founded to help our patients treat a wide range of diseases and conditions caused by inflammation. There is nothing we love more than hearing we help our patients live a better life by fighting inflammation with our Microdose Therapy™ treatments. Let’s take a look at the different types of conditions Microdose Therapy™ can help treat.


Arthritis can range from being minor to being incredibly debilitating. Inflammation is one of the main causes of arthritis, making Microdose Therapy™ an ideal option for those who suffer from the condition. Arthritis is very common, and while there is no cure, the Microdose Therapy™ can help eliminate pain, fatigue and other symptoms caused by inflammation.


Osteoarthritis affects over 30 million and refers to those who suffer from joint disease. It most often shows up in the knees, hands, back and neck. Fortunately, Microdose Therapy™ can help reduce pain and lower inflammation in patients. Best of all, this can occur in as little as 3 weeks, bringing you the relief you seek.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sadly, rheumatoid arthritis can develop at any age. Your body’s immune system attacks your joints, often leaving you in crippling pain. Our studies have shown that Microdose Therapy™ helps our clients show improvement on their symptoms over 78% of the time.


Whether it rears its ugly head by disrupting sleep, causing chronic fatigue or mental health issues, the all-encompassing pain caused by fibromyalgia can really wreak havoc on the body of adults suffering from it. Microdose Therapy™ does a better job than common prescription medications at relieving pain, giving our patients the relief they badly need.

Parkinson’s Disease

Affecting over 10 million people worldwide, Parkinson’s Disease is a brain condition that gradually causes symptoms such as hand tremors, rigid limbs and balance issues, among other ailments. Microdose Therapy™, a self-administered cortisol, can help reduce symptoms.


Inflammation and tightened muscles around the airways make it difficult for those with asthma to breathe. Whether it’s wheezing, shortness of breath or other respiratory issues, asthma can adversely affect day-to-day life. However, Microdose Therapy™ can help reduce inflammation that affects the lungs, helping asthmatics in the process.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a brain and spinal cord disease that most likely occurs due to an autoimmune disorder, meaning the body attacks its immune system. MS causes a wide range of symptoms, including blurred and double vision, muscle weakness and stiffness, among other ailments, but our Microdose Therapy™ can minimize pain without significant side effects.


It’s likely everyone reading this knows someone who has been affected by dementia. Often occurring in older individuals, dementia can hurt brain function, thinking, decision making and reasoning. Microdose Therapy™ has helped some of our patients in their battle with dementia.

If you would like to learn more about the mini dose therapy we offer for treatable diseases, contact us today.

Microdose Therapy™ works for conditions, disorders, and diseases caused by inflammation. Inflammation manifests itself with varying symptoms, depending on the disease and the person.