What Are the 4 Stages of Osteoarthritis?

A lot of older people experience osteoarthritis, a common type of arthritis that also happens to be a chronic condition affecting joints in the body. When cartilage between bones that usually cushions the joints no longer functions as intended– it wears down– then bones start rubbing against each other and the person experiences pain. Along with pain there’s usually some stiffness and swelling– and it’s harder for the joint to move in a “normal” way. Ugh. While osteoarthritis could affect almost any joint in the body, it’s usually causing problems for a person’s hands, knees, hips, feet and/or spine. 

The General Stages of Osteoarthritis

There are four general stages of osteoarthritis. The first stage is when a person has some minor wear-and-tear in a joint or two, but there’s little or no pain in that area. So stage 1 is “minor.” Stage 2, however, is “mild,” and that’s when a person might develop and notice bone spurs along with the feeling that the affected area is stiff, especially after sedentary periods. During stage 2, a person might benefit from wearing a brace. When stage 3– the “moderate” stage– happens, a person’s cartilage between bones has begun to erode or degrade to the point where the joint becomes inflamed. When this happens, it makes for an uncomfortable feeling that may hamper daily activities. Finally, stage 4– “severe”– is when a person’s lost nearly all the needed cartilage so the joint is very inflamed and the person is in a lot of pain. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing any stage of osteoarthritis and not sure what could help ease the pain, consider calling The Helen Foundation and asking about Microdose Therapy.™ It eliminates pain, fatigue and related inflammation symptoms in days from cortisone-responding diseases such as osteoarthritis. Please call 480-734-8525. If you prefer using email, the email address is virgilsa@aol.com.