Category: Inflammation

Signs of Chronic Inflammation

Man grabbing his aching lower back thanks to chronic inflammation

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? It can show up in a number of ways. There are several signs to look for… Tingly Feet Could Be a Sign of Chronic Inflammation First, do you have tingling feet or feel more thirsty or tired than usual? You might have inflammation that’s affecting how… Read more »

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Man holding wrist while in pain from chronic inflammation

If you’ve ever experienced pain, you know that there are various ways to describe it. Sometimes it can feel like a “burning sensation.” Did you know the term inflammation comes from the Latin verb “inflammare,” which means catching on fire? Inflammation of a person’s joints, for example, can often be described as red, warm, swollen… Read more »

Things to Know About Inflammation and Microdose Therapy

Elderly woman suffering inflammation

Are you dealing with arthritis, asthma, dementia, fibromyalgia, MS, osteoarthritis or Parkinson’s disease? One thing all of these diseases have in common is inflammation. Whether it’s acute or chronic, one thing is for sure: it’s awful, isn’t it? Aches and pains along with things like heartburn, headaches and swelling can make everyday life more difficult…. Read more »